Lea Rasovszky for Revista Arta

By Maria Orosan-Telea

Michele Bressan, Lea Rasovszky, and Larisa Sitar exhibited together for the first time in 2011, in a self-organized initiative that attempted to break certain norms imposed during their art studies. That is when they presented the exhibition Voiaj in the space that would soon become known to the public as Anexa MNAC.[1] Next came the exhibition Pasaj, also at Anexa, and then, in 2015, followed their participation in the Venice Biennale,[2] both curated by Diana Marincu.

Beyond the initial context that brought them together,[3] the three share a certain way of constructing personal narratives at the intersection with the world. Self-examination, subtle self-referentiality, the need of reflecting on one’s own past in search of truths breeding fascinating fictions, the ability to use visual media to convey poetic feelings hard to put into words, all of these are found, in different forms, in the works of all three artists.

22 March 2022
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